Youtube channel by Dr S.Karthikraja MD Dermatology and Dr.V.U. Karthikeyan MD Psychiatry

As normal human beings, we always attribute wellness to physical capabilities. To make sure our body is agile and strong we invest in fitness centres, agility exercises and what not?

Great job! But how many of us actually lookout for mental wellness? 

Keeping that in mind, Dr S.Karthik Raja MD DVL in Dermatology and Dr V.U. Karthikeyan MD in Psychiatry is available to address your questions. They are here to bust a few myths, give clarity on certain medical facts and guide you through proper channels for mental wellness if needed. 

Subscribe to the youtube channel Dr Karthik calling Dr Karthik, to get regular updates on our doctor’s content on lifestyle changes, Q&A discussions and awareness sessions.